Jyotirmay Barman

A Foolish Backend Enthusiast


I am a fullstack developer, primarily focused on backend technologies like node, mongoDB, nginx & linux servers. I also love to work with the frontend technologies like vue, nuxt, & tailwind css.

About me

Karma is something what I believe in, i.e - " what you do is what you get as result ", therefore I am here, trying not to commit a sin by just coding 😜😜😜😜

my tech stack


  • Developerzilla - Front

    Personal blogging website, built with nuxt, tailwind-css & served with Netlify

  • Developerzilla - Admin Panel + API

    Authentication system built on top of node, mongoDB, redis, JWT & cookies. sdazs sdfs dsdfazsd awsdasd

  • Complete Authentication System

    Authentication system built on top of node, mongoDB, redis, JWT & cookies.

My education

My other interests

  • Devops Culture
  • Data Structure & Algorithms
  • Cryptography